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Who decides what is newsworthy?

You do.


Yeah- you might think this is a pie-in-the-sky concept, but we believe that honest, no holds barred reporting is what brings forward the uncomfortable truths that make us better. The Northern Hoot doesn’t bear allegiance to any major business, political party or shareholder. The Northern Hoot is an independent journalism site and is supported by donation- and that’s a tough angle.

It is our goal to provide Northern Ontario with well researched and transparent coverage that inspires intelligent dialogue and productive change in the North. We also want to celebrate our unique culture and offer a place for writers in Northern Ontario to share their craft and passion.

We believe that everyone should be informed, not just those who can afford it, and that’s why we’re keeping our content paywall free. However, the cost of producing high-quality and original journalism is not inexpensive and that’s why we need your support.

By choosing to be a Northern Hoot builder you are supporting independent journalism and in depth coverage about not only the issues but also the solutions to creating a better Northern Ontario.

We are Northerners. It’s time that our voice is represented in the media and it’s time to start a meaningful conversation in the North. So please join us. We can do it together.

Interested in supporting us but dislike online payment options? Please send your cheques payable to ‘Northern Hoot’ to: Steffanie Petroni, 150 Churchill Blvd., P.O. Box 20063, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, P6A 6W3

Donation List

Thank you to each of our generous individual sponsors. Your support is applied towards sustainable pay for freelance journalists! And your encouragement inspires us to continue producing content with a conscience!


  1. Britta Wolfert
  2. Charles Lawrence
  3. Georgina Naccarato
  4. Janine Gibbs
  5. Paavo Husen
  6. Linsay Ambeault
  7. Linda Savory-Gordon
  8. Peter McLarty
  9. Don McGorman
  10. Victoria Prouse
  11. Jack Dunning
  12. Ashleigh Sauvee
  13. Lajunen Daniel
  14. Dan Dulude
  15. Robb Weir
  16. Michael Whalen
  17. Carolyn Harrington
  18. Brian Mealey
  19. Searchmont Station Preservation and Historical Society
  20. Robyn MacIntyre
  21. S. Solomon
  22. Rick Currell
  23. Ruth Fotlz
  24. Tim Kelly
  25. Derek Jackson
  26. Joe Gagnon
  27. Brian and Faith Panek
  28. Mike Seymour
  29. Kara Flannigan
  30. Rob Fuller
  31. Chris Hamilton
  32. Michael Ward
  33. Donna May
  34. Kira Crate Mees
  35. Gail Malcolm
  36. Valerie Dawson
  37. Kelly Turner



  1. Paavo Husen
  2. Mike Ripley
  3. Elizabeth Cooke
  4. Don McGorman
  5. Ruth Tonon
  6. Rick Currell
  7. Murray Lamothe
  8. Tim Kelly
  9. Ruth Fotlz
  10. Kim Dietz
  11. John Siguronsson
  12. Robert Cuerrier



  1. Melody Dear
  2. Linda Savory-Gordon
  3. Jim Fata
  4. Donna May
  5. Ruth Foltz
  6. Gail Malcolm in memoriam of Laurie Thompson
  7. Kim Dietz
  8. Bonnie Jewel Baranski
  9. Jackie Janisse
  10. Grace Tridicio
  11. Jeff Broadbent
  12. Christopher Hamilton
  13. Rick Currell
  14. Murray Lamothe
  15. Hazel Blanchette
  16. Peter McLarty
  17. Peter Gagnon
  18. The McGuffins
  19. Don McGorman
  20. Pat and Graham Gratton
  21. Ruth Tonon